Becky Marshall

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Islamic geometry explorations
+ coded into SVG
+ apply randomization
--> layered wooden puzzle.

An animated gif of 3D modeling software, showing complex geometric guidelines with a hexagon-based Islamic geometric pattern alternatingly overlaid.

Click to view in browser

Refresh to see randomization of size and color

Inspect element for code

An animated gif of a web browser producing randomized shapes, colors, and patterns of hexagons, based on SVG code.
An animated gif of a digital hexagon pattern, made of smaller colorful hexagons, filling with random colors and patterns as it is refreshed.

Click to view in browser

Refresh to see randomization of size and color

Inspect element for code

An 8-inch, hexagon-shaped puzzle made of 3 colors of hardwoods. The puzzle has 3 layers and its pieces are made up of the hexagon patterns above.

Show and tell

Join me as I build the puzzle on camera while discussing the history of Islamic art.

about - work